7 Natural Remedies to Promote Kidney Health and Keep You Healthy

Keeping our kidneys healthy is essential to living a long and healthy life. Our kidneys are responsible for filtering and removing toxins and waste from our blood, and they are essential for regulating the levels of electrolytes and acids in our body. Unfortunately, kidney health can easily be compromised, leading to a range of illnesses and diseases. Fortunately, there are a number of natural remedies that can help you to maintain and promote kidney health. From consuming foods that are rich in antioxidants to drinking plenty of water, there are a variety of ways to ensure that your kidneys remain healthy. In this article, we’ll explore seven natural remedies that you can use to promote kidney health and keep you healthy. So whether you are looking for ways to maintain your kidney health or prevent potential kidney-related illnesses, these natural remedies can help you get the job done.

Benefits of Maintaining Kidney Health

Before we explore the natural remedies that can help you to maintain kidney health, let’s take a quick look at the benefits of doing so. When we take care of our kidneys, we not only promote good health but we also reduce the risk of developing a wide range of serious and even life-threatening illnesses. Some of the most common health benefits of maintaining healthy kidneys include: 

  •  Reduced risk of developing high blood pressure – When our kidneys are healthy, they help to regulate the flow of blood throughout our bodies. A healthy kidney can also help to reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure. 
  •  Reduced risk of developing diabetes – Poor kidney health can lead to insulin resistance, which can put you at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Healthy kidneys can help to remove excess glucose from the blood, which can reduce your risk of developing this disease. 
  •  Reduced risk of developing heart disease – A healthy kidney can help to reduce your risk of developing heart disease. 
  •  Reduced risk of developing cancer – Kidney health can have a positive impact on your immune system. This can help to reduce your risk of developing many types of cancer, including breast, colon, and ovarian cancer.

Natural Remedy #1: Consume Foods Rich in Antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that can help to protect the cells in your body from damage caused by free radicals. When your body is under stress, it produces free radicals, which can damage your cells, particularly your kidney cells. Oxidative stress can lead to a number of health problems, including an increased risk of developing kidney disease. Fortunately, there are plenty of antioxidants that can help to prevent oxidative stress and protect your kidney cells, including berry fruits, spinach, and sweet potatoes. When you are selecting your fruit and vegetables, make sure that you choose those that are rich in antioxidants. As a general rule, brightly coloured fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants. For example, spinach and sweet potatoes are both rich in antioxidants, making them perfect for protecting your kidney health. Taking supplements like Quercetin and NAC, that are high in potent antioxidants is a highly efficient way of supplying your body with the vitamins it needs to support your kidneys.

Natural Remedy #2: Increase Vitamin B and Zinc Intake

Poor kidney health can have a significant impact on your immune system. As such, it can also negatively affect your ability to fight bacterial infections. In most cases, antibiotics are the best method for treating bacterial infections. Unfortunately, antibiotics can have a negative impact on your kidney health. If you are suffering from a bacterial infection, and your kidneys are under significant strain, it may be necessary to take antibiotics. However, it is important to increase your vitamin B and zinc intake, as these can help to reduce the negative impact of antibiotics on your kidney health. Vitamin B and zinc are two nutrients that are essential for strengthening your immune system and helping you to fight bacterial infections. As such, it is vital to increase your intake of these nutrients if you are suffering from a bacterial infection, and you are taking antibiotics.

Natural Remedy #3: Drink Plenty of Water

One of the best ways to promote healthy kidney function is to drink plenty of water. Inside your kidneys, there are a number of tiny blood vessels called nephrons, which are responsible for filtering blood and removing toxins and electrolytes from your blood. Unfortunately, nephrons are very fragile, and they can easily be damaged by toxins and other substances. When the nephrons in your kidneys are damaged, it can result in a reduced ability to filter blood and remove toxins from your blood. Luckily, there is a simple solution that can help to prevent and reduce damage to your ne-phrons: drink plenty of water. When your body is dehydrated, your nephrons are less able to function properly. When your nephrons are less able to function properly, they are more likely to be damaged. When your nephrons are damaged, they are less able to filter blood and remove toxins from your blood, putting you at risk for developing kidney disease.

Natural Remedy #4: Reduce Sodium Intake

Sodium is an essential nutrient, but it can also cause kidney damage when consumed in excess. Unfortunately, most processed foods contain high levels of sodium, which can lead to an increased risk of developing kidney disease. Reducing your sodium intake can help to reduce the damage that sodium can cause to your kidneys. A diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables can help to significantly reduce your sodium intake. If you are concerned about your sodium intake, speak to your doctor. They can provide you with more information about sodium and kidney health, and they may recommend that you keep a record of your sodium intake. This can help you to identify the foods that are contributing to your sodium intake and ways to significantly reduce it without impacting on the taste of your favourite foods.

Natural Remedy #5: Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods can contain high levels of sodium and other harmful ingredients, such as preservatives, emulsifiers, and artificial flavours. These can have a negative impact on your kidney health and can lead to a buildup of toxins in your blood. The best way to avoid this is to avoid processed foods as much as possible. Instead, focus on eating unprocessed, wholesome foods, such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins, such as chicken and fish. By eating a diet that is rich in unprocessed, wholesome foods, you can avoid the negative impact that processed foods can have on your kidney health. You can also boost your kidney health even further by consuming plenty of water and limiting your sodium intake.

Natural Remedy #6: Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise can help to improve your overall health and can also reduce your risk of developing kidney disease. When you are regularly exercising, you are increasing the flow of blood throughout your body, including your kidneys. This can help to remove toxins and waste from your kidneys and can reduce your risk of developing kidney disease. Furthermore, exercise can help to strengthen your immune system, which can help to prevent and reduce damage to your nephrons. This can help you to maintain healthy kidney function for longer and may even help to slow the progression of kidney disease. If you are concerned about your kidney health and you are not exercising regularly, it is worth talking to your doctor about the best ways to get started. They can provide you with advice on the best exercises for you and can help to tailor your exercise routine to meet your specific needs.

Natural Remedy #7: Reduce Stress

Stress can have a significant impact on your health and can put you at risk for a wide range of health problems. It can also have a negative impact on your kidney health. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to reduce stress in your life, including meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises. There are a number of ways that stress can negatively impact your kidney health. First, it can increase your blood pressure, which can lead to a buildup of toxins in your blood. It can also increase the level of acid in your blood. Both of these can damage your nephrons and lead to reduced kidney function. By reducing your stress levels, you can help to reduce the negative impact that these substances can have on your kidneys.


If you are looking for ways to promote healthy kidney function and protect your kidneys from damage, there are a number of natural remedies that you can try. By increasing your intake of antioxidants, increasing your vitamin B and zinc intake, and reducing your sodium intake, you can help to protect your kidneys and prevent damage. Exercise can also help to strengthen your immune system and prevent damage to your nephrons. Finally, reducing your stress levels can help to further protect your kidneys from damage.


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